
Alylica's Dungeons

This addon is designed to blend the two worlds of Minecraft and Minecraft Dungeons, featuring 5 Brand new Bosses, plenty of new Hostile Mobs and a wide collection of custom weapons and armour



A main focal point of this addon is the monsters you will encounter, such as the Necromancer who will summon hordes of zombies, or the wraith, capable of teleporting away from you when you attempt to attack

There are even Miniboss Monsters, the Redstone Golem, a strong melee attacker that can be found in the overworld, the Wildfire, a blaze armed with 4 shields that lives in nether fortresses, and the Endersent, a giant mutant enderman with super powerful attacks, found in the end.

Lastly, we have Boss monsters, these are very powerful and can be found inside structures, i will go more in detail below, but first, once you defeat a boss, it will drop a key, take it to the diamond chest found nearby to claim powerful unique rewards


The Redstone Monstrosity can be found in the Fiery Forge, an underground structure in the bottom of the overworld. It is a ferocious creature capable of destroying you with few attacks, and also able to attack at range with its lava breath. When you defeat it, it drops the redstone key

The Nameless One can be found in the Nameless Ruins, a forgotten temple found in the desert biome, the nameless one will attack you using magical blasts and can even clone itself to distract you, you must stay alert to defeat it, causing it to drop the nameless key.

The Mooshroom Monstrosity can be found in the Mycelia Ruins, a small structure found on mushroom islands, this boss is the strongest of them all, able to attack with greater strength then the redstone monstrosity, and able to fire explosive rockets at you from far away. Defeat it to receive the questionable key.

The Wretched Wraith can be found in the Lone Fortress, a solitary tower found in snowy biomes, the wraith will attack you using its dangerous fire magic and is capable of teleporting around when in danger, defeat it to obtain the wretched key.

The Corrupted Cauldron can be found in the Corrupt Coven, a twisted haven located in swamp biomes. The cauldron likes to attack by swarming you with pink slimes and can even emit poisonous sludge when you get close! Be careful as this boss is capable of healing itself if you don’t apply constant pressure. Defeat it to recieve the corrupted key.



The addon has a large collection of new weapons, each weapon has a standard variant (one you can craft) and then one, two or three unique variants, unique variants are stronger and have special effects imbued into them, but can only be found in diamond chests from boss structures. I will explain the mechanics of each weapon below.

Hammers are very powerful, with shockwaves being emitted from each attack that deal damage to all nearby, but also have an attack cooldown, so you can’t use it too carelessly, its unique variants allow the user to harness electricity or gravity in their attacks

Katanas work very similarly to swords, with high damage and low durability; its unique variants either grant a chance at double damage, or a strength against the undead.

Scythes are powerful weapons that have the unqiue trait of dealing less knockback then normal, and also letting you collect more souls from defeated enemies. the unique scythes allow you to chain up enemies or slow them with ice magic.

Soul Knives are a well-rounded weapon, being slower then swords but very durable and letting you collect more souls from enemies. The unique soul knives either allow you to collect tons more souls, or deal more damage to enemies with lots of health.

Obsidian Claymores are super powerful weapons with large damage and a lengthy cool-down between attacks, so you must make every hit count! The unique obsidian claymore enhances the damage of its strikes the more mobs are around.

Cleaving Axes are better weapons then normal axes, but not great for chopping wood. The unique cleaning axes either let you set enemies on fire or stun them temporarily.

Claymores are a powerful choice, with high damage and boosted knockback compared to swords. The unique claymores come with the ability to deal increased area damage, restoring health from defeated enemies, or super powerful attacks.

Rapiers are not quite as strong as swords, but have a sweeping edge effect; similarly to Java Edition combat, letting you fight multiple enemies at once. The unique rapiers either let you slow down your foes or summon in friendly bees to fight monsters.

Double Axes are strong weapons with the unique effect of harming and knocking-back nearby foes when swung. The unique double axes either let you create bursts of knockback around your enemies or create explosive area damage after defeating one.

Battlestaves are pretty weak, but have very strong sweeping attacks that make them effective for large areas of mobs. Unique battlestaves either let you create explosive area damage after defeating a monster, or deal increased damage to high health mobs.

Bone Clubs are strong weapons with greater knockback, but cannot be enchanted. The unique bone club has the ability to do more damage to illagers.

Daggers are pretty weak alone, but every attack counts for two hits, meaning they can be pretty powerful with the right technique. The unique daggers come with the ability to slow down foes, deal area damage or use souls to power up attacks.

Cutlasses work as great weapons, and are all around very balanced. The unique cutlasses let you either weaken your enemies or get stronger with each mob you take down.


Artefacts are special items you can use to aid you in combat. Split into common and rare variants, common variants can be crafted, while rare variants must be looted from bosses or mini bosses.

The Soul Healer consumes 10 souls in order to restore your health bar

The Iron Hide Amulet will grant you a hefty boost to damage resistance

The Totem of Regeneration will create a healing area around you

The Harvester consumes 15 souls to create a huge blast that wipes out monsters

Shock Powder is used to stun all nearby foes

The Gong of Weakening can be used to weaken nearby monsters

The Death Cap Mushroom will grant you a boost in speed and strength

Enchanted Grass summons a magical sheep to fight alongside you

The Satchel of Elements will let you harness a random elemental attack

The Ice Wand lets you wield the power of the iceologer against your enemies

The Wind Horn lets you create a powerful blast that slows and knocks back enemies

The Lightning Wand consumes 8 souls to strike down lightning on foes

The Boots of Swiftness let’s you boost your movement speed

The Buzzy Nest will continuously create friendly bees that fight with you

The Corrupted Seeds will let you poison and entrap nearby foes

The Totem of Shielding creates a zone of damage resistance around itself

Blast Fungus can be launched as a rolling explosive around yourself

The Shadow Shifter consumes 8 souls to grant invisibility and a huge strength boost to your next attack

The Vexing Chant can be used to summon a trio of vexes to fight off monsters



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I tried it from mcpedl and it was amazing. The bosses are very high quality. If you’re a part of the 1% of people that read comments then you should try it out. Btw the never version is on mcpedl he forgot to update it here.


How to create items with custom enchantment


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