Fallen Toast
Toast’s Engineering Tuned aims to overhaul existing Minecraft Machinery Focused addons to make them more balanced, especially if machine output is significantly better than what is put into the machine! This addon splits all supported machine based recipes into its own crafting table, the machinery table!
Currently Supported Addons: Basic Machinery ASN (Advanced Storage Network) v2.6 Bedrock Energistics (V0.4)
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Pre-Machinery Age To start off your machine journey now you will have to create the stomping barrel! Place seeds of any kind into the stomping barrel and jump on it!
Collect the oil from the stomped barrel by using a bottle. Craft it with wood to create treated planks! That will be the base of the machinery table and smashing table!
The last part to machines are plates! Use the smashing table by placing 2 of x ingots, then using the smashing hammer or a mace to smash metal into plates!
and that’s the Basics of the machines. Recipes do get increasingly harder!
Download Here: Toast’s Engineering Tuned V1.0.1Â No experimental toggles necessary for this addon!
How do I craft a machinery table,cable,and tube?
How do I get the machinery table?
Machinery table stuff fixed