Traveler's Backpack
This addon adds over 20 new craftable backpacks with cool, unique designs. All backpacks have the storage capacity of a double chest and can hold a lot of lava or water. They can be placed on the ground or accessed through the inventory!
- Vatonage
- Ramcor
- 21 different visual variants of backpacks!
- Each backpack has 54 available inventory slots.
- Each backpack has 2 liquid tanks that can hold up to 45 buckets of water or lava.
- Each backpack has a unique ID attached to it!
- You can place the backpack on the ground by crouching and placing it.
- You can equip the backpack on your back by placing it in your offhand.
- Custom UI for the backpack’s inventory!
Backpack Variants
- Standard
- Dirt
- Oak Wood
- Cherry Blossom
- Iron
- Gold
- Redstone
- Diamond
- Netherite
- Cow
- Pig
- Fox
- Wolf
- Creeper
- Skeleton
- Enderman
- Wither
- Ender Dragon
- End
- Nether
- Rainbow
- Backpack Tank
- Standard Backpack
Enable the Beta-API experimental setting
I may have done something wrong with the addon… but I can’t seem to find an “x” button lmfao
when I placed down the backpack, my two buckets of lava were deleted from the tank
There’s no way to get out of the backpack
How to dowloafd
“Este mod no utiliza juego experimental” solo “usa beta api” y me parece genial, aun no estoy seguro si funcionará para la 1.21.20 esperemos que si
Item delete when switch backpack!!! Pls fix!
I also find out duplicate bug for backpack!! Pls fix it’s
Cade meu comentario filhos da puta?
Works but every upgrade should increase the backpacks size not just for appearance
aku mau bang ☺️☺️
2 bugs:
1. No Android não aparece o botão para fechar a mochila.
2. Eu enchi os espaços para água e lava depois os esvaziei. Ao fechar e abrir os espaços voltam a preencher
on the iPhone you can’t leave the backpack because it doesn’t have a “back” button, put an “X” to exit the backpack interface pls
Backpack dissapear when i break if ,i lose all items in backpack
Mau mot ini biar bisa survival
i mean its ok i guess it has a bunch of glitches
when I open backpack and take items and switch hotbar and reopen the backpack it was all items comeback or duplicateing and my double chests are duplicateing too please resolve this
When you put the backpack on the ground, sometimes it tends to become a block, so you can’t open it or take it out without losing your stuff. When you break it your things DO NOT fall and you lose them all. The ground backpack also has a bug and cannot be put on the back, please fix that.
Oi tudo bem e otimo
Esse mod e muito bom mds
Holaaa buenas tardes
This so good
Can you please provide me dependencies for this Traveler’s Backpack add-on
Hiperseks id so Vivi g
Dhani syahid mudah-mudahan hd
Ia pun segera
Hendri arya saputra
Give me that bag
Mau mot ini
Biar bisa survival
Jangan pake kaya gini bg
Como instalar?
Did have plans to remake redstone tech???
What a dumb people. You crate an addon, and forget to mention which version it is compatible with. Shame
Quero muito abaixar meu sonho
placed down the backpack, my two buckets of lava were deleted from
What a dumb people. You crate an addon, and forget to mention which version it is compatible with. Shame
I like is addon
@Naka⚡–Player Mc:Maaf telat 11 jam 😁
how do u craft the different varients
👍🏻mantap g bisang nya gua
Tutorial dong
fui craftar uma mochila de raposa a partir da normal e perdi meus itens, decepçao total com este mod, fora os outros bugs que acontecem.
Igin mengunakannya
I want to try it yh
How to download Minecraft
Gk terlalu susah bikin ransel nya walaupun bikin nya tergantung nyawa
Lumayan bagus cocok buat orang
theres no “open” option or button. the mod works just fine on single player, but when i play with a friend or if i multiplayer, it just disappears n its not openable. u can still wear it, and craft it; everything works just fine, you just cant open it