Sooty Chimneys for Minecraft Bedrock
This addon is an unofficial port of the Java Edition mod made by mortuusars. You can go to the original mod page here.
This addon needs Script API Beta enabled to work
If you find any bugs, please contact me via my discord server.
Adds Brick, Cobblestone, Stone Brick, Mud Brick, Iron, Copper and Terracotta chimneys, that emit smoke particles.
After some time, chimney will be covered in soot and become dirty. Scrape with axe to clean it.
Scraping soot from chimney will drop a Black Dye, but not always.
Smoke Blocking
Right click chimney with an empty hand to toggle flow of the smoke.
Chimney Stacking
Place chimney on top of other chimney to make it emit signal smoke (like a Haybale under the Campfire).
I downloaded it and it was not the right link the link was a flower add on. Please fix it I would love to download it
can you plz fix your’e calamity mod i would buy it if you added it to the minecraft marketplace never got to play it but it looked hella fun
I downloaded it and it was not the right link the link was a flower add on. Please fix it I would love to download it